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 "It (JMC Graphic Designs) shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal."

Revelation 21:11

A little about me

My name is Sheila Joseph, a happily married mother of three.


I am a self-taught Graphic Designer working as an in-house designer for my church. I also own my own business, JMC Graphic Designs, LLC.

I have a Bachelor's Degree from Florida Memorial College (University) in Business Administration and a Media Design MFA from Full Sail University.

At JMC we design what you imagine! That includes but is not limited to flyers, postcards, step n repeats, programs, book covers, product labels, etc. 

Call me at 954-604-5216 and let's talk about how I can help you with your next project. 

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